Harnessing the power of on-the-spot media to achieve change

This article originally appeared on Global Geneva.

With the rising impact of climate change, ranging from flash floods, landslides and ocean surges, coupled with the urgent need to implement more effective – and long-term – disaster risk reduction, credible journalist initiatives are increasingly playing a crucial role of informing the public.      

Fishermen talk to a young radio club member about natural disasters. The India-based COAST radio programme empowers young women to tell local climate stories through girls’ radio clubs. (Photo: © COAST)

Fishermen talk to a young radio club member about natural disasters. The India-based COAST radio programme empowers young women to tell local climate stories through girls’ radio clubs. (Photo: © COAST)

Rachel McKee of Oak Foundation in Geneva recounts how Asian journalists are working together to spur essential changes through their reporting from the field.                               

Deep in the heart of the Himalayas, the Koshi River begins its journey as a tiny stream. It makes its way down the northern slopes of Tibet, gains momentum as it traverses Nepal, joins the River Ganges in the northern Bihar region of India, and then, finally, rushes into the Bay of Bengal.

For thousands of years, people have lived on its banks, thankful for its life-giving waters, but in recent times, that has begun to change. Development activities and climate change have meant disrupted weather patterns, causing flooding, landslides and prolonged periods of drought. “We used to bring water from a spring a few kilometres away, but now it has dried up,” says Laxmi Magur, a local woman living in the Muktin district of Dhankuta, Nepal. “We have taps in every house, but no water. It has been so hard.”

In addition, Nepal’s largest hydropower project is being built on the Tamakoshi River, one of the tributaries of the Koshi. In this earthquake-prone zone, this causes unrest among the villagers in the region. “If it bursts in the future, our area will be swept away,” said 81-year-old Sarimaya Rai, from Barah Kshetra in the Sunsari district, where the dam is being built.

Laxmi and Sarimaya’s stories were two of several recorded by and made into a series of reports by Ramesh Bhushal, an environmental journalist based in Nepal. Currently a correspondent and coordinator for thethirdpole.net, a South Asian environmental online magazine, he travelled along the tributaries of the Koshi River in 2016 with photographer Nabin Baral. Together they reported on the challenges faced by people living in the region. (You can read more about their adventures here: https://www.thethirdpole.net/en/koshi-basin/.)

Reporting by local journalists is crucial for creating greater awareness of climate change impacts. (Photo: © Internews)

Reporting by local journalists is crucial for creating greater awareness of climate change impacts. (Photo: © Internews)

Climate change impact across three countries

The effects of what happens upstream on the Koshi can be felt over an enormous area spanning three countries. The reporting on climate change effects by locally-based journalists is helping to bring these far-flung issues to the attention of government officials, who have the power to do something about it, as well as into the homes of people around the world. Because, let’s face it, without on-the-spot reporting, those far removed from the scenario are less likely to confront the issue. Furthermore, journalists need to use a form of story-telling that everyone understands.

Indeed, Bhushal’s series designed to raise the concerns of ordinary people in this remote region has made some impacts at higher levels. While it is impossible to draw a causal link, it is thought that some related pieces published in The Hindu may have inspired India’s Union Ministry of Water Resources to file an affidavit to the Indian Supreme Court opposing the building of any more dams in the Himalayan northern Indian State of Uttarakhand. (See The Hindu story)

In addition, one of Bhushal’s stories pointed out the risk of floods in a region around the Nepal-Tibet border and that an early warning system that had been installed was in poor condition. Thereafter the Department of Hydrology and Meteorology fixed the problem quickly. A hydrologist at the department told Ramesh, “I was following your story, and as you pointed out, the early warning system wasn’t functioning during that time due to some technical problem. It’s working now and regularly sending warnings.”

Internews, an international media development organization, has established the Earth Journalism Network to strengthen support for journalists like Ramesh Bhushal. “Media hubs can be credited with getting these stories to larger, more diverse audiences,” says James Fahn, Global Director of Environmental Programmes at Internews.

Local journalism is key for sharing local climate solutions at the global level, bringing local climate solutions into the homes of people around the world. (Photo: © Rachel McKee/Oak Foundation)

Local journalism is key for sharing local climate solutions at the global level, bringing local climate solutions into the homes of people around the world. (Photo: © Rachel McKee/Oak Foundation)

Today, as ordinary people are starting to feel the startling impacts of climate change effects on their lives, on-the-spot journalists are essential in highlighting its human dimension, particularly in developing countries. Not only are they well-positioned to raise awareness of the hardships people are facing at regional, national and international levels, but they are also central to raising awareness about community-led efforts to build resilience in the face of climate change devastation.

On-the-spot reporting enables ordinary people to share their experiences

It is also crucial for donors, governments and aid organizations to incorporate credible if not critical, solutions-oriented approaches as part of their support for journalistic outreach in the public interest, rather than PR. This is particularly important at a time when disaster risk reduction precautions could significantly limit the impact of earthquakes, floods, landslides and ocean surges on towns, villages and countryside.

Because, if you are a farmer who can no longer grow rice on the land you inherited from your great-grandparents, wouldn’t you want to know what others in a similar situation are doing? On-the-spot reporting provides a platform from which ordinary people can share how they are adapting to these challenges, and allows them to share what they are learning.

“Those hit first by climate change are in a really important position of leadership, as the first to respond and adapt,” says Heather McGray from the Climate Justice Resilience Fund (CJRF), a grant-making initiative dedicated to helping women, youth and indigenous peoples create and share their own solutions for resilience. “Instead of calling them the ‘canaries in a coal mine’, we need narratives that help people see how they’re actively creating powerful solutions that others can learn from. Media hubs are invaluable in helping to raise their voices.”

When locals are able to contribute to the narrative and tell their own stories, climate journalism is more accurate and equitable. Here a Bangladeshi man points at where his house used to be before the rising seawater washed it away. (Photo: © Inter…

When locals are able to contribute to the narrative and tell their own stories, climate journalism is more accurate and equitable. Here a Bangladeshi man points at where his house used to be before the rising seawater washed it away. (Photo: © Internews)

The growing role of philanthropy in helping journalists to reach out

Philanthropy and not-for-profit organizations working on climate justice recognise the power of timely journalism and are getting behind media hubs that support strong local reporting in developing countries. For example, through the Earth Journalism Network project, local reporters in regions around the world can help raise awareness of the concerns of ordinary people in the face of climate change. It also trains journalists to report more effectively on such issues, and gathers them together at events so that they can learn from each other.

For example, Malu Pedersen works as a radio reporter for KNR Radio, the largest radio network in Greenland. “There is virtually no coverage of climate change issues in local Greenlandic media,” Malu told Internews’ Fahn. “While we have reporters in the larger towns, it is difficult to travel to more remote parts of the country to find out first-hand how climate change is affecting individuals.” Internews brought her to the Global Climate Action Summit in San Francisco in September 2018. Upon returning to Greenland, she vowed to improve domestic coverage of climate change issues at KNR Radio.

“It is still early days,” says Fahn, “This will take a lot of time and effort and, dare I say, investment, but I really think we may have planted a seed here that could blossom into more and better local coverage of climate-related issues in Greenland in the future.”

Reporting that tells the climate story through the lens of local solutions is much more powerful than stories that frame the narrative around “climate victims.” (Photo: Open)

Reporting that tells the climate story through the lens of local solutions is much more powerful than stories that frame the narrative around “climate victims.” (Photo: Open)

A growing public realisation that independent – and trusted – journalism is crucial

Those on the frontlines of circumstances, often outside of their control, are the ones who know the truth about what is really going on. “If you want to know what really happened in history, ask the underdog”, has been said over the years in many different ways. Or, in more concrete terms: don’t just check the records of the Romans who ruled, but try to find traces of records from those whose villages were pillaged. There is a need today to go right to the roots of the problem, to talk with the ‘underdog’ too, so that balanced, informed reporting can once again win back the trust of civil society.

The ways that information is created and consumed is undergoing a profound transformation in recent years, which, while creating some challenges for traditional media platforms, is also opening up many new opportunities for people near the action to raise their voices so that they are heard. As the need grows more urgent to inform communities in a trustworthy manner about how to build resilience in the face of challenges posed by a changing climate, new modes of information distribution have led to an explosive growth in the types of tools and technologies that help analyse, visualize and understand our world.

These technologies – digital media and social networks, for instance – are creating opportunities for local media to cover climate issues, with a depth and breadth unimaginable even a decade ago. Many media hubs are supporting journalists to adapt to and benefit from this changing landscape. And finally, too, more and more philanthropies, as well as not-for-profit organizations working on climate justice are getting behind media hubs that support strong local reporting around the world.

Rachel McKee is a communication officer at Oak Foundation in Geneva. This article was compiled with additional input from US-based Oak Foundation staff, the Climate Justice Resilience Fund and Internews. Rachel McKee worked for more than 10 years at RTE, Ireland’s national broadcasting station and she also has 10 years’ experience in communicating about human rights and social justice issues.

For further information 

Some media outlets around the world that are strengthening people’s resilience to climate change are listed below. Plus if you would like to know more about what philanthropy is doing to support the coverage at grassroots levels, please contact the Climate Justice Resilience Fund: https://www.cjrfund.org/contact.

Internews believes that a strong, independent press and an informed, engaged citizenry forms the underpinnings of democracy. This organization works with citizens and local media in more than 100 countries, supporting the development of thousands of media outlets, including radio and television stations, newspapers, mobile news networks and online news sites. Find out more: https://www.internews.org/

thethirdpole.net is a multilingual platform dedicated to promoting information and discussion about the Himalayan watershed and the rivers that originate there. It is a registered not-for-profit organization based in New Delhi and London, with editors also based in Kathmandu, Beijing, Dhaka and Karachi. The Asian partner of Internews, it works work with an international network of experts, scientists, media professionals and policymakers to share knowledge and perspectives across the region. Find out more: https://www.thethirdpole.net/en/

India Climate Dialogue, a partner of thethirdpole.net, is a media hub that communicates about how climate change is affecting people in India specifically, and how the people are proactively trying to build resilience in the face of it. It aims to provide impartial and objective news and views on all aspects of climate change, how it affects India, and what can be done about it. Find out more: https://indiaclimatedialogue.net/

Koahnic Broadcast Corporation, based in Alaska, is building a climate change desk to produce more radio stories and web-based media focused on strategies used by Alaskan Natives to adapt and build resilience. Koahnic aims to increase understanding and awareness about the realities of climate change and the ingenious ways people find to adapt in the face of it. Koahnic’s own station (KNBA) covers an area home to more than half Alaska’s population. In addition, more than 350 US public radio stations air the news station’s programmes, including all 57 Native stations. Find out more: https://koahnicbroadcast.org/ and https://www.cjrfund.org/koahnic

The Earth Journalism Network (EJN) connects more than 6,000 journalists covering environmental issues around the world. Together they have developed a rich and diverse media hub that puts vulnerable and under-represented people at the centre of climate discourse. EJN’s approach is people-centred, focusing in particular on training women, youth and indigenous journalists, and on empowering and amplifying local, frontline voices. Find out more: https://earthjournalism.net/

Doc Society/Mothers of Invention (MOI) is an innovative podcast where Mary Robinson, former President of Ireland and climate justice champion and Irish comedian Maeve Higgins discuss climate justice and interview female climate activists from around the world. Check out their podcasts here: https://www.mothersofinvention.online/.

Coastal Association for Social Transformation Trust (COAST) works to prevent early marriage in Bangladesh, where adverse climate hazards have increased levels of poverty, which has led to more families marrying girls off at an early age. COAST has created girls radio clubs, which enable girls to report on issues around child marriage. In addition, the radio clubs are key networks for girls who may be facing pressures at home to marry early. http://coastbd.net/

‘We amplified our voices’: women lead the charge on local climate effects

Violet Shivutse plants trees with students in Kenya (Photo: Huairou Commission)

Violet Shivutse plants trees with students in Kenya (Photo: Huairou Commission)

In rural western Kenya, it’s the women farmers who feel the biggest loss from unusual crop seasons, increased flooding and previously unseen plant diseases – while the men set off in search of urban jobs.

In response, these grassroots women are leading efforts to adapt to the disruptions linked to climate change, and make their farming communities more resilient. And many of those answers come from the examples set by their mothers and grandmothers, rather than modern agriculture.

“It’s the role of women to bring food on the table. When the season is affected and women are not able to get very good yields, they don’t have food,” said Violet Shivutse of the Shibuye Community Health Workers organisation in western Kenya, which is part of the international Huairou Commission representing grassroots women.

“What women have been doing is to ensure that, whether it’s a very heavy rainfall or a long drought period, they can at least have innovations that will make them able to continue planting and growing food for their families,” Shivutse added.

Broadly, climate change hits under-developed and vulnerable communities first and hardest. But the effects on daily lives, work and families vary widely according to location, traditional gender roles, culture and other factors.

In Bangladesh, for example, families are marrying their daughters younger to ensure financial stability. In South Sudan, deforestation is forcing women and girls to travel farther for firewood, leaving them less time to prepare meals and making them more vulnerable to abuse from husbands, according to a report last year by the Global Greengrants Fund and Prospera International Network of Women’s Funds.

Now there’s a small but growing movement to help women and girls share their own solutions for climate resilience.

“There was never any kind of engagement on what women and girls were experiencing in their communities, but they might create solutions that would be meaningful and culturally appropriate for them,” said Diane Ives of the Kendeda Fund in the US. The Kendeda Fund supports programmes to help women and girls respond to climate change, including the Global Greengrants Fund and Climate Justice Resilience Fund (CJRF).

“We’re starting the conversation with lifting up the voices of women and girls, rather than coming in with solutions – like, ‘We’ve got this pump that we can use in your fields’, when perhaps in that community women aren’t supposed to be fixing pumps but doing something else,” Ives added.

Often, the projects are aimed at spreading knowledge and education.

The international Frida Fund, also backed by Kendeda, supports an online magazine called the Young Feminists for Climate Justice Storytelling. Its second edition looks at how women who organise climate action in their communities can respond to the harassment, violence and other backlash they might face. The answer: greater self-care.

In Kenya, the Shibuye Community Health Workers organises groups of 25 to 30 women to share practices many of them have been using for generations, Shivutse said. Rather than using the “western ways” of planting hybrid seeds and using pesticides, they’re learning to make fertiliser out of compost manure and irrigate the land, and storing older and more durable seeds.

With a grant from CJRF last year, the Shibuye organisation has expanded to restore the nearby Kakamega rainforest after years of encroachment and rehabilitate the soil near Lake Victoria. The women of the community are managing the grant and leading the project.

This is raising awareness in the region and among government officials, agriculture industry stakeholders and others, Shivutse said.

“These practices were being done with individual women in small silos,” she said. “But when we came together as strong groups of grassroots women who brought different skills and practices together, and strengthened what each group was doing, we amplified our voices.”

The article originally appeared on Climate Home News, and is the result of a partnership between CJRF and Climate Home.

Laughter helps deliver sobering messages on climate change

Mary Robinson and Maeve Higgins, hosts of Mothers of Invention (Photo: Ruth Medjbe/ Doc Society)

Mary Robinson and Maeve Higgins, hosts of Mothers of Invention (Photo: Ruth Medjbe/ Doc Society)

Upon hearing stark numbers on how cows contribute to climate change, comedian and podcast host Maeve Higgins boils the problem down: “We mustn’t let them get their own nation,” she exclaims. “We have to stop them from organising.”

Her response – to the news that a nation of all the world’s cows would be the third largest greenhouse gas emitter after China and the US – garnered laughs in the recording studio and a jokey rebuke from former Irish president Mary Robinson: “Maeve, we want some intelligent solutions, please.”

It was a moment of levity in a mostly serious discussion of how changing food production and diet can help stem climate change. But it’s with this balance of humour, every(wo)man questions and sober facts that the Mothers of Invention podcast – which launched its second series on Tuesday – helps push feminist climate solutions into the mainstream.

This, advocates say, is what’s needed to help people internalise their role in cutting emissions and build resilience to climate change.

“Climate issues can feel overwhelming to make eye contact with, let alone explore deeper,” said Thimali Kodikara, the Mothers of Invention series producer at the non-profit Doc Society. “The use of Maeve’s warm, relatable and humorous voice immediately dissipates many of these anxieties for our listeners, and makes dense subject matter more approachable.”

The key is to engage people in the serious information they’re receiving – not make light of it, said Pablo Suarez, associate director for research and innovation at the Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre.

The centre and its partners have designed some 45 games to help people learn about humanitarian issues such as disaster preparedness, food security and migration. Its players include government officials, volunteers, children, farmers, meteorologists and climate negotiators. Suarez has given workshops in Vanuatu, Africa, Singapore, at the White House and elsewhere. For example, instead of discussing how people should prepare for a flood, he had them act it out.

“When people are having such a good time, neuroscience demonstrates that what happens is more strongly committed to memory, and the positivity makes it more likely to be embraced when the time comes,” Suarez said.

Mothers of Invention drew more than 70,000 podcast subscribers to its first series last year.

The idea started when Robinson, now a climate justice advocate and chair of The Elders non-profit, approached Doc Society about making documentaries to help people understand the implications of the Paris climate agreement.

After discussing Robinson’s aims – to quickly shift the focus from government to public action – the group suggested she go for a more widely accessible and faster-to-produce podcast, said Jess Search, Doc Society’s chief executive.

However, the producers saw it wouldn’t work with Robinson as a solo host. A veteran in formal speeches and press conferences, the former president wasn’t familiar with podcasts or their casual, conversational tone. Doc Society considered a long list of co-host candidates from developed and developing countries, until they met Higgins, a New York-based Irish comedian.

Now she plays the socially conscious “ordinary punter” to Robinson’s authoritative expert.

“It all just worked,” said Search. “You can hear over the series that Maeve has worn her down like a bar of soap, and now Mary is very comfortable in actually relaxing … it was definitely a learning curve for her, because it’s so different from, say, speaking at the UN.”

The Climate Justice Resilience Fund (CJRF), which provided a grant to Mothers of Invention, sees humour as way to make the climate change narrative more positive, impactful and solutions-oriented, rather than negative, said Heather McGray, the fund’s director. CJRF supports projects that help communities deal with the impacts of climate change, with a focus on women, youth and indigenous peoples.

“Those hit first by climate change are in a really important position of leadership, as the first to respond and the first adapt,” McGray said. “Instead of calling them the ‘canaries in a coal mine’, we need narratives that help people see how they’re actively creating powerful solutions that others can learn from. I believe humour can help.”

The article originally appeared on Climate Home News, and is the result of a partnership between CJRF and Climate Home.

An Interview with Alaska Institute for Justice

In October 2018, CJRF co-sponsored a historic gathering: the First Peoples’ Convening on Climate-Forced Displacement with the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC) and the Alaska Institute for Justice. Held in Girdwood, Alaska, the three-day conference brought together more than 60 community leaders and advocates from around the world to address how climate change is forcing indigenous communities off their land.

At the end of the gathering, CJRF Director Heather McGray sat down with Alaska Institute for Justice’s (AIJ) Executive Director Robin Bronen, Research Director Denise Pollock, Research Assistant Adelaine Ahmasuk, and Government Relations Specialist Kate Glover, to hear their reflections on the conference. The conference was linked to an on-going program by AIJ to support Alaska Native coast villages that are considering whether and how to relocate.

Pictured here Adelaine Ahmasuk (AIJ), Cecilia Smith (Kingikmiut Dancers and Singers of Anchorage), and Denise Pollock (AIJ). Picture courtesy of AIJ.

Pictured here Adelaine Ahmasuk (AIJ), Cecilia Smith (Kingikmiut Dancers and Singers of Anchorage), and Denise Pollock (AIJ). Picture courtesy of AIJ.


CJRF: What do you love about the communities you partner with and the work you do?

Denise Pollock: My family comes from Shishmaref, Alaska. I work directly with the 15 Alaska Native communities that AIJ partners with, Shishmaref being one of them. We provide resources for communities to monitor and document erosion, flooding, storms, and permafrost thaw long-term. This data provides the foundation to create a relocation governance framework, which indicates the threshold at which communities must protect in place and/or relocate, that is centered in human rights and tribal self-determination.

Adelaine Ahmasuk: I come from Nome, Alaska. I love my co-workers and the fact that we are very strong and powerful women. That was something I looked for [in a job]. Also, we work directly with the communities. For me, it’s important to give them their own voice in tribal sovereignty and decision-making.

Kate Glover: I love that we work at the intersection of climate change and human rights. We help communities help themselves and protect the lifestyle that is so important to who they are.

Robin Bronen: Human rights have to be at the forefront of how we respond to the climate crisis, and the laws and policies that have oppressed people cannot be what guides us into the future. We are in the middle of a transformation, and there’s all this hope about what we can create with this intersection of human rights and communities and justice.


CJRF: Can you briefly introduce the event we just concluded? What was it, why did it happen, and why did it matter? 

Robin Bronen: We just participated in the first convening on climate-forced displacement with communities from Alaska, the South Pacific, Bangladesh, Louisiana, and Washington State. One of the most important things I heard was that it’s really important for communities not to feel alone. There is solidarity and tremendous strength and courage in responding to the crisis of what is happening in regard to our climate. Now there is a collective of people working together to envision the future they want as the climate continues to change.


CJRF: What you will take back to your work at AIJ after this convening?  

Kate Glover: A major component is looking at the laws and policies to identify the barriers that prevent communities from getting the funding and resources they need. Then, helping communities make changes that will help them better access the resources that they need.


CJRF: Share one fun thing from this week, or one interesting story you heard.

Denise Pollock: It was a real honor for my Iñupiaq dance group, the Kingikmiut Dancers and Singers of Anchorage, to be able to share our Iñupiaq dances with everyone. Whenever we introduce dancing with our communities it really brings people to life. There’s a sense of healing when our dances and our songs are shared that really helps to bring everyone together. There are many reasons to feel sadness or trauma in light of relocation, but we always need to counterbalance that with the things that help release our stress and our grief and give us the energy to move forward.

Adelaine Ahmasuk: The cultural sharing of the traditional knowledge between the South Pacific, Louisiana, Bangladesh and Alaska: I was amazed to see everybody’s responses, and every time you told a story somebody from a different culture or location was so intrigued by what we do and where we come from. For me that was really interesting to share who we are and listen to who people are also.

Robin Bronen: Gratitude. I feel so much gratitude that this [the conference] happened. The gratitude of people being so willing to share their wisdom and knowledge and stories to create one story. There was so much love that was present, and honoring of each other and each other’s journey.

Interviews have been edited for clarity and length.

An Interview wtih IMPACT Kenya and Samburu Women Trust: On Coalition Building

In June 2018, IMPACT Finance and Administration Officer Elizabeth Silakan, Program Officer John Tingoi and Samburu Women Trust Director Jane Meriwas shared their thoughts on collaboration and movement building for land management and land rights.

Click here for more information about this CJRF-funded grant.


Photo Courtesy of IMPACT Kenya

Photo Courtesy of IMPACT Kenya

CJRF: What is your organization’s mission?

Elizabeth Silakan: IMPACT envisions an inclusive society where the rights of indigenous peoples are recognized and respected.

Jane Meriwas: Samburu Women Trust is a women-led organization that amplifies the voices of women, mostly pastoralist and hunter-gatherers, to influence policy that targets women.


CJRF: What does the CJRF funding enable you to do?

John Tingoi: This funding enables organizations to work in a coalition and to help pastoralist communities in Northern Kenya to build resilience towards climate change and empower them to work for themselves.

Elizabeth Silakan: The grant will build the capacity of the CSOs [civil society organizations] that are working in Northern Kenya to influence policies on climate change.

Jane Meriwas: The grant will amplify women’s voices around climate change resilience, issues on participation, and issues on the Community Land Act.


CJRF: What is unique about your project?

Jane Meriwas: It brings together different organizations working with indigenous communities in Northern Kenya, a place which has mostly been forgotten. We can bring our expertise and knowledge, and also traditional mechanisms, [to address] issues of climate change.   

Elizabeth Silakan: This project is unique in the way that it will bring expertise of all the small groups that have been working in Northern Kenya. We will have a better outcome because the expertise and strategies of different individual CSOs will be put together.


Photo Courtesy of IMPACT Kenya

Photo Courtesy of IMPACT Kenya

CJRF: What does success look like for this project?

Jane Meriwas: Success has two dimensions. Success means that you are able to implement effectively and get all the outcomes. Success can also mean failure: that you are not able to effectively implement the project in the way you initially indicated, but that this can also be a learning platform where we can share knowledge about what’s really worked and what’s not worked.

John Tingoi: I think success here means: what can the community take forward after implementation and after the funding? What are the learning points as a result of implementing this project?


CJRF: What is your organization really excited about right now?

John Tingoi: The approach we are using is community-driven and the target is the community. Within IMPACT we have asked: why are we doing advocacy? Because it is in the interest of the community. What is important is that the project strengthens the community capacity and raises their voices.

Jane Meriwas: When you talk about climate change and resilience, indigenous people have been the custodians of that knowledge and they have solutions toward climate change. Yet, the money has mostly been given to other organizations that then subgrant to indigenous people. I am excited [that] for the first-time, money for climate change is being given to indigenous people to manage themselves. Also, I am more excited that we are bringing expertise on issues of women and the voices of women in developing policy and in the implementation of this grant.


CJRF: What does climate justice mean to your organization?

Elizabeth Silakan: Climate justice means measures are put in place so that the challenges of climate change can be mitigated.

John Tingoi: I think climate justice means being fair to the environment and acknowledging and accepting restrictions around you so that you can divine your own mitigation mechanisms for coping.


Photo Courtesy of IMPACT Kenya

Photo Courtesy of IMPACT Kenya

CJRF: What do you love about the location where you’ll do this work?

Jane Meriwas: What I love about the location is that it’s not something new. It is somewhere that I have been working. The environment is not new. It is something that we will be able to maneuver around to develop key strategies. The environment is friendly.  

John Tingoi: We are used to this environment. We have been working for many years within these communities. The most interesting thing is that initially it was a community that was left out in terms of development and in terms of government policies. Now we can see a change.

 Interviews have been edited for clarity and length.

Radio clubs help climate-hit Bangladeshi communities avoid child marriage

Fishermen talking about natural disasters with a local radio programme in Bangladesh (Photo: COAST)

Fishermen talking about natural disasters with a local radio programme in Bangladesh (Photo: COAST)

Community radio clubs in Bangladesh aim to help locals adapt to the damaging effects of climate change by dissuading families from marrying their daughters off before they turn 18 years old.

The two issues – adapting to climate change and child marriage – may seem unrelated, to each other and to community radio. But this is one of a number of projects around the world making the case that unexpected activities may prove most effective in addressing the worst knock-on effects of changing weather patterns.

In the Bay of Bengal, the number of girls marrying at as young as 12 years old is increasing as cyclones, floods and other destructive weather events become more frequent, exacerbating poverty, according to the Coastal Association for Social Transformation Trust (Coast), which created the radio clubs.

The aim of the clubs is to raise awareness, both about young girls’ rights, reproductive health, domestic violence and other issues around child marriage, and about ways to adapt to and prepare for climate change effects in the region. Coast now has around 40 radio clubs, and has expanded to involve housewives, fishermen and farmers. It has around 500,000 listeners.

“The problem is created because of climate change,” said Ferdous Ara Rumee, assistant director at Coast. “Parents feel very [economically] insecure … and they don’t have the knowledge of reproductive health rights and facilities… we are trying to give them some knowledge through the talk shows, magazines, new bulletins.”

Coast started the project in 2015 and received a grant from the Climate Justice Resilience Fund (CJRF) in late 2017 for three additional years of work. The US-based CJRF seeks to help women, youth and indigenous peoples cope with climate change and its effects by supporting local communities in building resilience. It uses a “social justice lens” to find innovative solutions, said Heather McGray, the fund’s director.

For the CJRF, the Coast project addresses the mix of cultural, climactic and economic factors that shape the specific consequences of climate change in coastal Bangladesh. As floods and soil salinisation are pushing families to move to cities, there is the “false sense” that a girl will be safer, and a family’s obligations fulfilled, once she is married, said McGray. But child marriage violates human rights long recognised by Bangladesh and internationally, and has been found to undermine the development of girls and their communities.

“Climate change is an existential threat with the unique power to undermine all of the progress society is making,” said Dena Kimball, executive director of the Kendada Fund, an investor in CJRF. “When we empower young women to play a part in building comprehensive climate solutions, they discover the agency and power to shape their own future and to improve the future for society as a whole.”

While vulnerable groups such as indigenous peoples and women tend to be most affected by changes, they also offer “unique capabilities and insights” – for example in managing natural resources, McGray added.

This is the idea behind another CJRF-backed climate project that may seem counter-intuitive at first glance.

With a grant of $350,000 over two years, Kenya’s Indigenous Movement for Peace Advancement and Conflict Transformation (Impact) is creating a coalition to help pastoralist communities in the country take advantage of a new law that for the first time formally recognises community tenure. By registering their lands, communities gain the power to manage their pasture and herds sustainably. And by doing so in a coalition, different communities can exchange skills and information, prevent conflict, and find new ways to collaborate.

“Indigenous peoples in northern Kenya have for generations been resilient governors and stewards of their land and natural resources in sustainable and long-life ways that are compatible to their food systems, cultures, land use and social organisations,” said Mali Ole Kaunga, director of Impact.

But their lands have in recent years been expropriated for purposes “that the government considers are of higher economic value than pastoralism” – including conservation, tourism, mining, horticulture and clean energy generation, he said. This has weakened community resilience and led to conflicts over natural resources.

The Climate Justice Resilience Fund was created in 2016 by the Oak Foundation and is housed at the New Venture Fund, a public charity registered in the US. The Kendeda Fund became CJRF’s second funding partner in 2017.

It’s now part of a “growing trend in philanthropy that understands people experiencing the most profound impacts of climate change are best positioned to know what they need in order to adapt,” said Anne Henshaw, programme officer at the Oak Foundation and chair of the CJRF review board.

The article originally appeared on Climate Home News, and is the result of a partnership between CJRF and Climate Home.

An Interview with Christian Aid Kenya: On Empowering Women and Youth

In June 2018, Christian Aid Kenya Country Director John Kitui and Program Officer Nicholas Abuya spoke with us about their work to strengthen the participation of women and youth in climate change policy work.

Click here for more information about this CJRF-funded effort.


CJRF: What’s your mission?

John Kitui: Christian Aid’s mission in Kenya is to ensure that people live with dignity. We intend to eradicate poverty. We do that by empowering communities to be in the driver’s seat—to find their own way out of poverty.


Women fetching water for their domestic us at Burgabo Borehole.jpg

CJRF: What does the CJRF funding enable you to do?

Nicholas Abuya: To scale out our pilots in Makueni and Kitui counties in terms of putting in place county climate change fund legislation. This model really benefits [and empowers] vulnerable communities.  Vulnerable communities, particularly in Marsabit and Samburu counties, can meaningfully engage so that their adaptation priorities are addressed by the county and national government.


CJRF: What is unique about your project?

Nicholas Abuya: We are going to work with some of the most marginalized peoples in Kenya. Historically there has been very little investment there either by the government or by the private sector. The project puts these vulnerable communities at the center in terms of influencing decisions that affect their livelihoods.

John Kitui: When you talk about climate governance across the world it is really top-down. This project is bottom-up, making communities at the center. Formalizing that approach of the bottom-up, you are creating community level structures to engage on climate change governance and climate change financing. It can probably provide learning for other countries that are struggling with how you make communities meaningfully engaged.


CJRF: What does success look like for this project?

John Kitui: Supporting the communities to engage in climate justice to understand the implications of climate change on their livelihoods, to understand the responsibility of governments, to understand how they can advocate for and access resources for climate change interventions.

Nicholas Abuya: Attaining community collective action to voice their concerns. And influencing decision-making and policy makers to respond to their needs. And of course, appreciating that these communities have solutions in addressing climate change vulnerabilities and risks, which, if supported, can really bring about change.


Animals quenching their thirst at Burgabo borehole.jpg

CJRF: What is your organization really excited about right now?

John Kitui: We work on things like inclusive markets. We also work on the rights to essential services, some of which are climate change services, like climate change financing. So, working with communities and our partners at the community level to bring all those things to bear. And we are very keen that we can also generate evidence that actually it’s making a difference at the household level with people that are affected by climate change.

Nicholas Abuya: As Christian Aid we are bringing out the community experience when it comes to [global impacts] and what can be done to address their vulnerability. I think being able to bring that to the level of decision-making, even at the national level and also informing our corporate climate change advocacy work, is something to be proud about.


CJRF: What does climate justice mean to your organization?

Nicholas Abuya: People coming to appreciate that there are millions, perhaps billions of people in the world who have been impacted negatively by climate change and this needs to be addressed. [Climate change] is undermining their human rights in terms of access to food, feeding their families, they are even losing their heritage. I think climate justice really is appreciating that it is urgent.

John Kitui: When you talk about climate justice it is also the appreciation that the communities that are actually affected by climate change will not necessarily be the communities whose behavior has led to climate change itself. They are suffering the consequences of the action of other actors elsewhere.


CJRF: What do you love about the location where you’ll do this work?

John Kitui: We love the whole of the northern frontier (Marsabit, Isiolo, Samburu counties) and the resilience of the people that live there. It is an arid and semi-arid land of Kenya. For me, the opportunity to work with communities to start thinking about their own climate change resilience and to be in the driver’s seat and reverse the negative impact of climate change is exciting.

Nicholas Abuya: What I love about Samburu and Marsabit counties in Northern Kenya is that actually this is a representative area of the larger horn of Africa. Whatever we are going to do here, and whatever is going to work, represents our wider community. Therefore, best practices from this place can be scaled out and are applicable in the wider area. Also working with the people who for millennia have coped with climate vulnerability. They have great knowledge about how to cope with it, and therefore, we can learn a lot from them.


Interviews have been edited for clarity and length. Pictures courtesy of Christian Aid Kenya.

Indigenous groups call for attention to climate-forced migration

Indigenous groups met to talk about climate-forced displacement in October (Photo: Brian Adams Photography)

Indigenous groups met to talk about climate-forced displacement in October (Photo: Brian Adams Photography)

Amid intensive negotiations over global rules for future work on climate change, some communities are calling for attention to the destruction that is already pushing them out of their homes and killing their heritage.

The aim of the Cop24 summit in Katowice, Poland is to agree to complex rules that will govern how countries meet their Paris Agreement pledges to cut greenhouse gas emissions and shore up financial aid for poorer countries in the future.

But missing from the annual United Nations climate talks is the question of how to relocate and preserve the communities threatened by rising sea levels, tropical storms and other effects, according to a group of first and indigenous peoples from around the world.

“If worse comes to worst and we have to leave, there should be an instrument that protects the rights of our people who are being forced against their will,” Maina Talia, from the NGO Tuvalu Climate Action Network, said at a Cop24 side event last week. “We do not want to become second citizens in different countries. The question of sovereignty and sovereign rights will be an issue. Can a Tuvaluan be a Tuvaluan in New Zealand?”

A group of first and indigenous peoples’ organisations and communities held a convening on climate-forced displacement in Alaska in October and published a declaration ahead of the Cop24 asking world leaders to take measures to ensure they receive “adequate technical and financial support.” It also called on state governments to come up with “human rights-centred laws, policies and strategies that address the spectrum of risks associated with forcible displacement”.

There is already a public conversation about people who are losing their homes and being driven away because of climate change, but not the way it is “fracturing communities” and “disrupting ways of life”, said Reverend Mary Katherine Morn, chief executive officer and president of the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee, a human rights group.

“The conversation needs to be about more than CO2 emissions or melting ice caps,” Morn said. “We need to humanise the conversation; this is not only about science in the abstract, it’s about the intimate realities of human life.”

In Tuvalu – a South Pacific island nation with a little more than 11,000 people – climate change threatens to break up a strong community-focused culture where people share food and shelter, said Talia. The islands sit just a couple of metres above sea level, and are already coping with the damage from floods.

In Alaska, temperatures are rising faster than elsewhere – by over 3C a year in 2016, Robin Bronen, from the NGO Alaska Institute for Justice, said at the event. This is leading to warmer ocean waters and melting sea ice.

The Paris deal recognises the need for richer countries to help cover the loss and damage caused by climate change and fund projects to help them withstand storms, droughts, heatwaves and other changes.

But it’s harder to quantify the loss that comes with forced relocation, Talia said. “You cannot create a system or mechanism that will measure the loss of someone’s language, the loss of someone’s land, the loss of someone’s culture, identity.”

Many communities hope to stay put as long as possible, including in Tuvalu. Yet if they do decide to move, as three Alaskan communities have done, the problem is that there is no government agency tasked with facilitating the relocation of communities displaced by climate change – in the US or anywhere else in the world, Bronen said. “So they are trying to piece together this governance framework and funding to facilitate a really complicated process.”

The difficulties these groups are already experiencing should shape the global negotiations and conversation about climate change, said Heather McGray, director of the Climate Justice Resilience Fund, which contributed to the Alaska displacement convening.

“If we are to truly address the impacts of climate change head on, we must heed the warnings of those living on the front lines, take their wisdom, and follow their lead,” she said.

The article originally appeared on Climate Home News, and is the result of a partnership between CJRF and Climate Home.