Recovering From the Impacts of Climate-induced Loss and Damage

CJRF has provided CARD with a $200,000 grant to support the communities in Chikwawa district in Malawi, which was devastated by Cyclone Ana in January 2022.

This project will rebuild houses destroyed by the cyclone, using resilient building materials and local artisans. It also has a livelihood component in the form of a livestock pass-on scheme, in which one set of families receive the first round of goats, which are supported by veterinary services and livestock insurance. Once the goats reproduce, the first set of families pass on the offspring to a predetermined second set of families. These interventions were identified and selected by community members during a community-level assessment of the loss and damage they experienced after Cyclone Ana.




2022: $200,00


East Africa

Issue Areas:

Loss and Damage


CARD has been working at the local level in Malawi for more than 20 years and has vast experience in implementing humanitarian and emergency response projects, coupled with disaster risk reduction and management interventions. CARD is also working on another Scottish Government-backed loss and damage project, which will enable sharing lessons learned.

Photo courtesy of CARD